Keeping The Summer Pests At Bay

How Can You Safeguard Your Property From Determined Termites?

Did you know that if subterranean termites are allowed to feast on the wood frame of a home unchecked, they will eventually leave the property in a state of collapse? And did you know that these pests can often work away out of sight and out of mind with no hint of a problem until they have already caused significant damage? If you think that's the stuff of nightmares, then you're correct, but it is nevertheless a condition that has affected many unprepared homeowners across Australia. What should you do if you haven't taken steps to protect your home from these bugs?

Understanding the Scale of the Problem

There are so many subterranean termites in the country that there is more than likely a nest not too far away from your current property. Termites exist to procreate and extend the species and, to survive, have a certain diet that is satiated by wood products. These pests will create mud tunnels beneath the ground and will forage for new food sources. When these tunnels reach your property, and the termites find a way in through the smallest crack in the foundation, they may have come across their new food source.

Making an Entrance

Termites love dark spaces and damp conditions. They may set to work on your wood frame, and you'll have no way of knowing that they are there. This is why it's helpful to get a termite inspection from time to time so the experts can look in the right places and give your home the all-clear.

Tackling the Termites Head-on

One of the best ways to deal with underground termites is to install baiting stations around the perimeter of the property. These are simple devices and basically small pots made from reinforced plastic. Each container will have a lid on it and be sunk into the ground before the technician adds a small piece of wood. The container has many small holes around its base, allowing termites to enter and discover the wood. Unfortunately for them, the wood will be tainted with a special chemical that is toxic for these bugs. Once the termites carry some of that wood back to their nest, the damage will be done and the poison should serve to eliminate that colony.

Getting Further Information

This is just one of the methods that an experienced pest controller can use to safeguard your home from termite infiltration. Get in touch with these experts today so they can schedule an inspection and help to keep you safe.